As outstanding student loan debt has increased, institutions and states have taken steps to try to reduce student debt. At the same time, how states fund public higher education could affect the amount of debt that students have upon leaving college and whether they are able to repay their loans. In this brief, we provide the first examination of whether state performance-based funding policies affect student loan debt. We find no increases in debt among students who completed college, but students who left a college subject to performance funding without graduating had higher debt burdens than students attending non-performance funding institutions.
Read MoreThe economic pressures facing students are likely to intensify in coming years due to the long-term effects of the pandemic and the disproportionate burdens placed on students from historically underserved groups. At the same time, policymakers' concerns about return on investment in higher education have led several states to incorporate workforce metrics into their performance-based funding (PBF) policies. In this brief, we examine the impact of various types of PBF policies on college student earnings.
Read MoreIn this policy brief, we detail the landscape of state performance funding policies in Fiscal Year 2020. Twenty-nine states currently have policies in place through which higher education institutions receive a portion of state funds based on student outcome metrics. The share of funds and types of metrics tied to student outcomes vary considerably across states. A majority of PBF states tie some funding to the success of students from low-income families and about half explicitly outline race as a consideration in their PBF formula.
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